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Interview with Mr.Oxford - A Sheet of Paper

Foto do escritor: bibliotecasdogilbibliotecasdogil

Hello everyone, it’s Nicole here and today’s interview guest is Mr.Oxford, a sheet of paper from my English notebook.

- Good evening Mr.oxford, how are you feeling tonight?

- Excited to be here!

- Awesome let’s begin. Were you always a plane white sheet of paper?

- No, actually I used to be a tall, large, beautiful tree. The Canada weather was really warm and comforting. I used to be able to listen to the birds building nests on my leaves and the squirrels climbing onto my branches to hide their nuts inside me.

- Wow that sounds amazing! But how did you become the sheet of paper you are today?

- Well it’s a story that haunts me to this day because of how unexpected it was for me. One day I woke up with the noise of people talking and realised there was a bunch of men around my roots. They pulled out big electric tools and started cutting me into tiny little pieces, it was kind of a hurtful process to be honest. After that I was brought to a huge room with lots of people that turned my pieces of wood into various sheets of paper.


- Oh sounds scary. You said you were a tree in Canada, right?

- Yes, I was born there.

- Well, how did you end up here in Portugal?

- After those people turned me into paper they packed me inside of a notebook and shipped my pieces to all around the world. So that’s how I got here.

- How interesting! And do you sometimes wish you were still a tree?

- Yes sometimes I do, I miss the quiet and calm environment in the forest but I would never trade that for the experiences I have now.

- What experiences are you referring to?

- I mean like, as a sheet of paper I get to go everywhere in your backpack, see lots of new things everyday, and even learn stuff at your classes. Things I would never get to experience if I was a tree.

- Oh now that I think about it it does sound fun. But doesn’t it hurt to be written on?

- Well it definitely is a little uncomfortable and it’s not my favourite thing in the world but, you know, it’s my job and it’s, without a doubt, worth it because of the experiences I told you about.

- Yeah it makes sense, I would think the same if I were a sheet of paper. What do you wish to do in the future?

- I wish to keep pursuing this job and maybe one day I get to be an important paper or as fancy people call it, a “document”.


- What do you mean, “a document”.

- You know, those important sheets of paper that are kept forever.

The ones where important people sign to establish peace within countries or register important events,...

- Wow that sounds like a big goal of yours but I think you could get there if you keep working hard.

- You think so? Thank you!

- You’re welcome! I think that’s all for today, thank you so much for being part of this interview and for sharing

with us your amazing journey in life!

- My pleasure.

- And thank you guys for watching and, as we learned today, no matter how many turns life takes you always have to look at the bright side of things and keep working to get what you want! Don’t be afraid of dreaming big.

Stay safe and I’ll see you all on next Saturday’s episode.

Good evening everyone!

Nicole Rodrigues, 9º F

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