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Chatting with Martim

Foto do escritor: bibliotecasdogilbibliotecasdogil

Good afternoon everyone! Welcome to your favorite TV show, “Chatting with Martim”.

Today we’re here to know a little more about our 210mm wide and 297mm high and white friend, also known as Mr. Paper.

- Hello guys! I just wanted to say thank you for receiving me here. I’m Mr. Paper, you already know it, so… yeah.

Okay. As you know I’m going to ask some questions about your life in general and stuff like that. So what's the better way to know someone than to start to know their origins. Where did you come from?

- I came from a tree. I know, I know it’s strange for someone to come from a tree but I’m an object, what else were you expecting?

LOL. Hum… okay. But you didn’t come off of the tree and PUFF, paper! Tell us about the process of your transformation to paper, but explain in a very simple way, otherwise me and our viewers won’t understand.

- Ugh, fine. So in order to make me you need something with cellulose fibers and patience. That cellulose fibers are extracted and then transformed into some sort of pulp, add water, place it onto a paper something machine where it is going to be flattened, dried and cut into sheets and rolls. It is a painful process. And there you go, now you have paper! It isn’t necessary to put in those chemicals and do those weird things and blah blah blah…

Wow, that’s a lot of stuff. How does it feel to be such an important resource for us, humans?

- It feels exhausting. I’m needed for EVERYTHING, decoration, writing, learning, more decoration and the list goes on. But there’s something I need to admit, sometimes, just sometimes it’s pretty captivating to be used by good artists, they do an excellent job, it’s so… satisfying.

Now that you’ve mentioned writing, what did they write on you? Don’t mind me, I'm just curious.

- People write a variety of things on me. It goes from scientific articles to fictional stories, like that one with a woman who meets 7 little humans, then takes a bite of an apple from a very suspicious person, I don’t why she thought it was a good idea, after that she falls as she has died, and then there's that cliche part of the true love’s kiss from a prince, to be honest I think that’s called harassment, but anyways, it is how it is.

Oh, that’s not a very common opinion. Let’s get a little off topic. Your friends, who are they?

- My 3 closest friends are Pencil, Pen and Eraser. Eraser is my best friend, while Pencil and Pen are just very close friends of mine, they’re cousins.

Why is Eraser your only best friend and the other two aren’t?

- Well, Pen and Pencil often provide me good moments but they also hurt me, while Eraser helps me recover, she’s a very comforting friend, unfortunately, she is only able to help with Pencil’s messes…

Oh… Sorry for that.

- It's ok.

Let’s talk about something else! What are you forethoughting for the future?

- I’m not really seeking for nothing in the moment, but who knows if I’m going to be something else in the future? Imma flow with destiny.

Ok, thank you for coming and your amazing answers. Do you want to add something to our viewers out there?

- Actually, yes. I would like to wish for an awesome weekend, and watch out for that malicious flus, they are everywhere, anyways take care.

Bye, and thank you again for being a wonderful guest.

- You’re welcome.

And here it is another episode of your favorite show, have a good day.

Martim Abreu, 9º G

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