Interviewer: On today's episode, we'll be interviewing Mister Book, descendant from a noble lineage that dates back to the XV century, although he still has much more remote ancestors known, from about 3000 years before Christ.
Just like we know it today, the book has a fairly simple anatomy, consisting of a cover, back cover and core (set of pages).
It is quite a controversial figure that some love, others hate and that we all know, some superficially and others in a more intimate way, nevertheless there is still a lot to find out about my fascinating guest.
Mister Book, welcome to our interview. Let me start by thanking you for coming here, as I know how busy your life is.
Interviewee: I am the one who is grateful for the invitation and the opportunity to talk about myself.
Interviewer: We know that you descend from the noblest aristocracy. Do you want to tell us a little about your ancestors?
Interviewee: Of course, it is a pleasure to be able to remember my origins, which occurred many years ago, more precisely, 3200 years before Christ, in Mesopotamia, when people wrote on clay tablets!
Interviewer: How curious! And tell us, what did they record on those clay tablets?
Interviewee: Well, the people of these localities wrote laws, religious matters and even poetry!
Interviewer: At what moment in your family's evolution does the real impulse in your history occur?
Interviewee: It clearly took place in the 15th century, when Gutenberg invented the printing press. From then on, we came into contact with many more people and the world had every advantage in our revolution.
Interviewer. Are you implying that books are a fundamental part of the evolution of humanity?
Interviewee: I have no doubt. This answer may not seem humble, since a book, as we know it, is a simple set of printed sheets joined by the spine and with a cover but, underneath my simple appearance, I am indispensable to the life of the human being.
Interviewer: You play a very important role in people's lives. Give us concrete examples of the beneficial effects of your work.
Interviewee: I transmit information and knowledge, stimulate creativity, imagination, memory, contribute to enriching vocabulary and improving the writing of those I work with. Furthermore, I have the capacity, like few others, to develop critical thinking and, in this way, I make my readers better citizens, capable of taking positions in society and actively defending points of view.
Interviewer: Therefore, you are a great influence on your friends. Can you tell us which people usually look for your services?
Interviewee: My services adapt to any audience, from the youngest to the elderly. I am still useful to the poor, the rich, the wealthy, everyone seeks me out and everyone takes advantage of my work.
Interviewer: And as for disadvantages, doesn't your work also have less positive aspects?
Interviewee: Listen: I am a support for writing and writing transmits knowledge, over time, that can bother some, disturb others, lead them to reflect on what is happening in their lives and in the world. There will still be those who take pleasure in my reading, others may find it more difficult to understand what I say, but they should not give up.
Therefore, I will only be seen as a disadvantage by the ignorant and the latter, frankly, do not interest me.
Interviewer: Mister Book, there are those who say that, with digital resources, your end is coming soon.
Interviewee: On the contrary. I know how to adapt to the times and I always become regenerated in every change. Listen: as I told you, I started with clay, then switched to papyrus, resorted to parchment, evolved to paper and now I even use the digital format, e-books.
Interviewer: I thank you for this extremely rewarding conversation and I wish that you continue, over time, to play an extraordinary role for humanity, because without you it is hard to evolve.
I hope that our readers/spectators/listeners enjoyed getting to know the interviewee more deeply, someone who can be very loved, sometimes hated, but that will never be indifferent to us.

Leonor Quaresma, 9º E