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Interview with a book

Foto do escritor: bibliotecasdogilbibliotecasdogil

Atualizado: 12 de abr. de 2023

Gabriela - Hello, I´m Gabriela and today I have a very special guest with me. Book is today´s guest. He´s my old green friend.

Book - Hello, I feel really honored to be here today.

Gabriela - Oh that´s great, so this interview is going to a bit polemic since this “object talking” thing is new. How do you feel now that you can finally communicate with the ones who read your stories?

Book - I feel happy and weird at the same time because it´s all very new to me.

Gabriela - I get it, and how long have you been here and how was you childhood?

Book - It´s been a long time since i got here but i remember my first friends and my old family. They were all really kind and we were all stuck together in this shelt. We would see people walking around everyday and everytime we saw someone, one of us would be taken away.

Gabriela - Wow so you´ve met so many others like you. But what was that place and how did you get here?

Book - So... it was an old bookshop, I was in the romance category. One time this young lady picked me up and i could see a big smile come across her face and I just knew she was going to choose me. Since that happened I´ve been telling my story to so many people. Now I´m here, in this library still telling my story to many people.

Gabriela - You´re making me want to know what the story is about.

Book - Oh you should read it, everyone who´s read it says something good about me. The only thing i don´t really like about being a book is that I´m always changing houses. It´s exausting, and the fact that none ever kept me makes me think I´m not that worth it.

Gabriela - I´m sorry you feel like that, I´m sure that´s not the reason they don´t keep you. Something I´m curious about is what your plans for the future are?

Book - That´s a good question, i actually don´t plan on doing anything special. I just want to keep making people feel happy with my story. Maybe visit other countries, I think Italy would be a good country to visit. But that just depends on who reads me next time.

Gabriela - Right, well maybe I can be the next person to read you.

Well thank you so much for accepting to do this interview with me. Now that I know your story i feel diferent about books and I´ll treat every book with more kindness and affection than I ever did. I hope you conquer all your dreams and that you meet a new and big family.

Have a good day, Book!

Book - Thank you so much, have a good day Gabriela!

Gabriela Vieira, 9º A

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